THE SPACE AROUND US Searching for perfection through repetition.
Rafael creates beautiful illustrations of nature - primarily butterflies and shells - that are supported by architectural principles....
The Fibonacci sequence is named after Italian mathematician Fibonacci. His 1202 book Liber Abaci introduced the sequence to Western...
Quadratic growth
In mathematics, a function or sequence is said to exhibit quadratic growth when its values are proportional to the square of the function...
RAFAEL ARAUJO La geometría descriptiva
El artista venezolano Rafael Araujo nació en Caracas, estudió arquitectura en la Universidad Simón Bolivar y fue miembro fundador de la...
Wildly Detailed Drawings That Combine Math and Butterflies - WIRED MAGAZINE
RAFAEL ARAUJO’S ILLUSTRATIONS are bafflingly complex—so complex that you might assume the artist uses a computer to render the exacting...