This Architect Fuses Art and Science by Hand Illustrating the Golden Ratio
by Piedad Rojas
December 29, 2016
Rafael Araujo is a Venezuelan architect and illustrator who at the age of fifteen began to observe intelligent patterns in nature, giving rise to his interest in the golden ratio located in our natural environment.
More than 40 years later, the results of this hobby is a collection of beautiful illustrations of nature made entirely by hand, equipped with a pencil, a compass, a ruler and a protractor...

Science to Sage. Rafael Araujo, Venezuelan Artist
by Science to Sage
January 01, 2018
Rafael Araujo is a Venezuelan architect and illustrator living in Caracas. For over 40 years he's been drawing the most beautiful illustrations of nature, entirely by hand. At an old drafting table he adeptly renders the mathematical brilliance of nature with just a pencil, compass, ruler and protractor...

Wildly detailed drawings that combine math and butterflies
by Elizabeth Stinson
January 30, 2014
RAFAEL ARAUJO’S ILLUSTRATIONS are bafflingly complex—so complex that you might assume the artist uses a computer to render the exacting angles and three-dimensional illusions. And true, if you were to recreate his intricate mathematical illustrations using software, it probably wouldn’t take you long at all. But the craziest part of all is that Araujo doesn’t use modern technology to create his intricately drawn Calculations series—unless, of course, you count a ruler and protractor...
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Hand-Drawn Coloring Book Reveals Mathematical Beauty Of Nature’s Designs With Golden Ratio Illustration
by Melinda Restrepo
January 01, 2016
Rafael’s work is unique in that he leaves intact the construction lines that form the mathematical framework for his illustrations, each of which can take him as long as 100 hours to complete...

Un libro da colorare per adulti che svela la matematica dietro la natura
by Eugenio Caterino
April 07, 2016
La natura è bella, potente e soprattutto perfetta, ad essere più precisi trattasi di vera perfezione matematica che oggi si trova racchiusa in un libro. Prima di presentare questo piacere per gli occhi, occorre però fare un piccolo riepilogo di geometria soprattutto per quelli che erano continuamente distratti alle lezioni delle medie per fissare la tipa o il tipo del primo banco...

Now you can color Rafael Araujo's wildly complex drawings yourself
by Elizabeth Stison
May 04, 2016
It would be nearly impossible for the average person to recreate a Rafael Araujo drawing. The Venezuelan artist’s work is exacting in the most literal sense. The good news is, you’ll never have to. He's done the work for you......
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